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- Holomisa Say Homelands Perpetuate Tribalism
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- Foreign Broadcast Information Service, May 2, 1991
- South Africa: Holomisa Says Homelands Perpetuate Tribalism
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- <p>[Johannesburg SAPA in English 2049 GMT 24 Apr 91]
- </p>
- <p> [Text] Durban April 24 SAPA--Transkeian leader Maj-Gen
- Bantu Holomisa said on Wednesday [24 Apr] homeland states had
- no place in a future democratic South Africa. "These homeland
- structures are transitory and should under no circumstances be
- seen as a feature of a future non-racial and non-ethnic South
- Africa," he said at a luncheon hosted by the Institute for a
- Democratic Alternative for South Africa.
- </p>
- <p> "The perpetuation of ethnicity and tribalism in any guise is
- a doomed strategy," Gen Holomisa said. In his speech he also
- said Parliament would have to give way to a forum that would
- hammer out a democratic constitution.
- </p>
- <p> "It will be necessary at a certain stage that...The South
- African Parliament be dissolved in favour of a truly democratic
- negotiating forum which should be charged with the
- responsibility.
- </p>
- <p> "A lasting and acceptable solution will be grassroots
- participation by all the people of South Africa in making
- decisions on a future constitutional model," he concluded.
- </p>
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